7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKKampung Opak Gambir, juga dikenal dengan kampung kreatif, terbentuk karena masyarakat di daerah tersebut mayoritas menjalankan Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) dalam pembuatan opak gambir. Para pelaku usaha di kampung ini telah berusaha mengembangkan pasar dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital, termasuk sosial media dan Google My Business. Namun, mereka menghadapi kendala karena kurangnya pengetahuan dalam mengoptimalkan digital marketing. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan upaya pendampingan dalam rangka scale up komersialisasi produk Kampung Opak Gambir. Pendampingan ini dilakukan dengan fokus pada peningkatan pengetahuan digital marketing melalui pesan visual, copywriting, dan SEO. Dengan pendampingan ini diharapkan ketrampilan para mitra dalam melakukan promosi secara digital meningkat. Pengabdian ini juga mengikutsertakan mahasiswa MBKM, yaitu mahasiswa Prodi Operasionalisasi Perkantoran Digital Akademi Komunitas Negeri Blitar untuk melakukan pendampingan di tempat mitra. Metode dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 1). Pelatihan dan pendampingan penyampaian pesan visual melalui foto produk dan desain kemasan produk opak gambir, 2). Pelatihan dan pendampingan digital marketing untuk optimalisasi sosial media dan Google Business melalui teknik copyriting  dan SEO. 3). Evaluasi dan monitoring implementasi materi pelatihan selama 2 bulan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu adanya peningkatan ketrampilan para mitra dalam melakukan promosi secara digital, khususnya ketrampilan penyampaian pesan visual melalui foto produk dan desain kemasan, ketrampilan copywriting untuk promosi dan ketrampilan dalam peningkatan SEO.  Kata kunci: digital marketing; copywriting, SEO; pesan visual; opak gambir ABSTRACTKampung Opak Gambir, also known as the creative village, thrives as the majority of its residents are involved in the Home Industry specializing in crafting Opak Gambir. To expand their market, they have embraced digital technology such as social media and Google Business. Nevertheless, they encounter challenges stemming from their limited knowledge in optimizing digital marketing. To address this, we provide support and enhance the commercialization of Kampung Opak Gambir's products. The focus of this assistance lies in elevating digital marketing expertise through visual messaging, copywriting, and SEO. By receiving guidance in these areas, the partners are expected to bolster their digital promotion skills. Notably, MBKM students from Operasionalisasi Perkantoran Digital Akademi Komunitas Negeri Blitar actively participate in this initiative. The community service employs three key methods: 1) Training and mentoring on conveying visual messages via product photography and packaging design for gambir wrappers; 2) Training and mentoring in digital marketing, optimizing social media and Google Business using copywriting and SEO techniques; 3) A two-month evaluation and monitoring of training material implementation. The results of this program are evident in the partners' enhanced digital promotion skills, particularly in visual messaging through product photography and packaging design, as well as improved copywriting proficiency for effective promotion and SEO capabilities. Keywords: digital marketing; copywriting; SEO, visual messages; opak gambi

    Pelatihan Pengelolaan Limbah Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Ponggok Kecamatan Ponggok Kabupaten Blitar

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    Sampah menjadi sebuah permasalahan serius disetiap wilayah, khususnya di Indonesia. Semakin bertambahnya penduduk, jumlah sampahpun juga semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengelolaan sampah yang baik mulai dari tempat pembuangan sampah sementara hingga tempat pembuangan sampah akhir. Salahsatu metoda yang dapat digunakan untuk penanganan dan pengurangan sampah adalah menggunakan teknologi biokonversi. Teknologi ini yakni menggunakan bantuan lalat BSF dalam menghasilkan maggot sebagai media pengurai sampah organik. Metode dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian difokuskan terhadap 30 anggota PKH Kelurahan Ponggok, Kecamatan Ponggok, Kabupaten Blitar. Kegiatan pengabdian meliputi pembuatan media atraktan, membuat tempat untuk pembesaran maggot, membuat biopond, dan strategi dalam pemasaran produk hasil pembiakan maggot. Hasil yang diperoleh peserta memahami permasalahan di lingkungan dan mampu memanfaatkan sampah organik sejumlah 3 kg/hari dari setiap peserta, hasil akhir berupa maggot yang dapat dijual atau digunakan sebagai pakan ternak yang bernilai gizi tinggi. Kesimpulannya pengolahan sampah organik sebagai budidaya maggot dapat menjadi salah satu metode untuk mengurani sampah lingkungan serta memberikan tambahan penghasilan kepada masyarakat


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the effect of perceived usefulness and trust on consumer satisfaction of Shopee e-commerce. This research conducted in Indonesia that targeted Shopee consumers. Data were collected from the survey by distributing questionnaires to the research respondents. The sample consisted of 86 people selected by a random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results showed that perceived usefulness and trust have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. The results of this study also proved that Shopee users assess that the perceived usefulness of the e-commerce applications could facilitate convenience during the online transaction. Meanwhile, trust, in the form of guaranteed transactions and recommendations and ratings from consumers, is a form of support and services provided by Shopee to build consumer trust in Indonesia. Keywords: customer satisfaction, e- commerce, perceived usefulness, Shopee, trus

    Pencatatan Persediaan Barang Dagangan Pada BM Mart Di Kota Malang Menggunakan Aplikasi iPos 5.0

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pencatatan persediaan barang di BM Mart Kota Malang menggunakan aplikasi iPos 5.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.  Data primer diperoleh dari observasi dan  wawancara sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari buku, fakta, catatan dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan pencatatan persediaan di BM Mart. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada Pencatatan Persediaan Barang Dagangan di BM Mart menggunakan Aplikasi iPos 5.0 belum maksimal karena terdapat duplikasi tugas di setiap bagian. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan penipuan dan kesalahan dalam pencatatan. Karyawan yang bertugas mencatat selama ini masih bergiliran berdasarkan shift kerja yang berubah. Kedepannya perlu diatur tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing pegawai dan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi agar memudahkan dalam pencatatan dan pengawasan. Kata Kunci: Pencatatan, Persediaan, Barang Dagan

    The Effect of Using Catfish Feed, Pollard Flour, and Rice Bran as a Hatching Substrate of Black Soldier Fly Larvae

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    BSF larvae have become a concern of researchers because it is a source of protein that can be used as an alternative feed. It also benefits the environment in the food cycle process and waste reduction. These various potentials must be balanced with an optimal BSF larvae cultivation process, using suitable materials to produce good and quality BSF larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to know the composition of good BSF larvae hatching media, considering that hatching is the initial stage of BSF larvae cultivation which determines the growth process of BSF larvae. This study aims to choose the best medium between a mixture of catfish feed with pollard flour and rice bran. By knowing the optimal media for the growth of BSF larvae, optimal BSF larvae results will be obtained so that the provision of BSF larvae can be achieved economically. The method used is experimental method by applying two treatments and six replications. The parameters measured were the average body weight of the BSF larvae and the body length of the 8-day-old BSF larvae. The results then was analyzed using an independent statistical t-test. The results showed that the second treatment of a mixture of 250 grams of catfish feed with 250 grams of pollard flour was the best medium for maggot cultivation, with the results of 7,607 ± 1,505 body length and 0.153 ± 0.582 body weight

    Effect of Using Chicken Manure, Starfruit Waste, and Ice Cream Waste As Food Media on the Production Performance of Maggot Black Soldier Fly

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the use of chicken manure, starfruit waste and ice cream waste as a food medium on the production performance of Maggot BSF. The method used in this study was experimental by applying a Complete Randomized Design. The results showed that the combined use of chicken manure waste and organic waste with treatment variations did not have a significant effect (P>0.05) on weight gain and the specific daily growth rate of BSF maggots. The highest weight gain results were obtained at P4 treatment of 622 grams and the lowest in P3 treatment of 560 grams. The specific daily growth rate of BSF maggots was highest in the P4 treatment at 11.22% and the lowest in the P3 treatment at 10.53%. The ability in this study was the use of a combination of chicken manure and ice cream waste with a ratio of 50% : 50% providing weight gain and a specific daily growth rate of Black Soldier Fly maggots


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    Mobile payment is one of the alternative innovative payment methods that trigger the payment revolution in Indonesia. LinkAja, as one of the mobile payments in Indonesia, still has low brand awareness compared to other mobile payments. This study aims to examine the adoption of LinkAja referring to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) that analyse the effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions on behavioural intention and the effect of behavioural intention on actual use. The sample of this research was LinkAja users in East Java Province taken using a purposive sampling technique. The final sample consisted of 100 respondents collected through an online questionnaire. Data were analysed using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with SmartPLS software. The results showed that performance expectation, social influence, and facilitating conditions had a significant effect on behavioural intention, and behavioural intention had a significant effect on actual use. However, effort expectancy had no significant effect on behavioural intention. Keywords: behavioral intention, mobile payment, PLS-SEM, UTAU